Blogger vs Journalist: The Ultimate Debate Solved [Infographic]
What is the difference between bloggers and journalists? Can a blogger be a journalist and vice versa? Is blogging more popular than journalism today? The debate on journalist vs blogger is old as the hills but still ongoing. Some people think that as far as writing is concerned in both cases, bloggers and journalists are just the varieties of the same writing profession. Others think that there are peculiarities that set bloggers and journalists apart. Still others just remain confused and look for the way to solve the question. But no source offers the straightforward answer.
It is time to settle this ultimate confrontation once and forever! The infographic created by our essay writers aims to compare a journalist and a blogger in terms of work environment, salary and perks, writing expertise and other professional peculiarities. Finally, you will see the common and different in these occupations and the question “Blogger vs Journalist:Who is who?” will be solved.
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